Wednesday, October 04, 2006

27 Sep 2006 Thursday

Today is my one year anniversary in Taiwan. Time really flies without anyone noticing especailly when you have stated to enjoy it. Looking back at this year i really enjoyed alot and the close friends that i have made and shit we gone through together.

The four heavenly kings of Hukou (Roy , Jiaxiong , Andy and Willy) nickname not given by ourselves okay...and not forgetting our rapport king Quek Boon Kwee.

Will miss those days together chiong and get drunk everyday. For those memorable pics of our ERA please refer to

-this will be the place where most of my photo albums will be inside.

Our memories always online and well polished and kept in my mind... thank you to everyone of you.

Today is my End Of Tour Dinner,we had our dinner at新竹- 中心百货. Greatly appreciated for those of you who attended my dinner as for those who are not able to come i know all of you had your difficulty and deeply thankful

Below are the pics that were taken at the dinner place...a place which u can have buffet, cook, smoke and drink in japanese style...hope u all had enjoyed the night that was so precious to me

Although we cant stay together forever , i am sure we are able to keep our littelt Hukou family together alive~~

Will be waiting for you all in Singapore !!~~~Hukou Forever!! 虎口 lolx

Mini Family Pic

4 Heavenly King + RQ although Willy is not around to enjoy with us

We came together, i left alone + tribute to Loh Teck Quan

The main gun and the artillery (only you know why)

Eric Ong's baby special guest to my dinner

Hey hey is Henry drunk?

The young guns of the family

Special task force 3

Its a chair, Its a drunken , no its Henry

Up your hair man

Ma Di !!

Mr Fit who carry me like a signboard or i am too light

Okay he is not drunk just face red after some JD

Crappy Eric Ong

Hey Mr Hokkien Singer

Young chap with a stlye of his own

Mr Soh , Me and Oily

He is one drinker

Never enough of beer, Rapport King and finally our beloved RQ

A man with Mee Pok dreams ... hmmm

Mr Alex Liew... a bit obsence... tall and big in size ( sorry you win )

Uncle Tan ...

Mr Cutie and special ... Teddy Chuacy

Man with attitude - Yiwei

A nice man ...

This guy gave me a lot of hello kitties - thanks dude

Man with his own set of rules and mind - cool

THanks for the food !!!

Man of steel !!

Yandao , fit and perfectionist? its how u see it

Base Sexiest Man

Mr Bombastic Mr Lubba Lubba

Gay confirm not we are stud brothers

Newly Recruited chiongster

Mens Health Star Dark and Fit

My lovely colleague with great mind comes great man

Hey this photo should have only me and Micheal

Me and Look

Greatest Bunk Mate

Backstabbing each other for a year still alive haiz ... failure...this guy is my god daughter's father...oh NO!!!


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