Thursday, October 05, 2006

28 Sep 2006 Thurday

Today is my last night in Taiwan, after dinner i really had alot fun and was already prepared for everything that happened below... thanks for all the fun

Hmmm lucky can still see my 6 packs hahaha ... eh i think alot ppl dun like me...:P

OPP on the bar ... careful watch my balls only got 2 no more no less...

Fish pond ready one two three !!!

Arghhh fish pond got wash a not??

First and last time in fish pond cheers !!!

Cheers Jiaxiong joining in for a taiwan beer bath ...

Lolx cigerette haven smoke finish .....

Kevin kena terrorist attack.... rape nope we dun like guys

Whahahahh hide here hide there still need to go in Micheal Sng ... obsence?

Everyone has thier fair share ....wait wat about Andy still dry leh !?

Andy and all ready to go !!!

Altogether now !!! Thats a fish pond not a swimming pool...haiz

Wonder where are all the fishes ....

Micheal, Andy , Chen Hao Nam, Roy, Kevin and Jiaxiong

Peek a boo ... who is peeking at us while bathing?

New comer WSO joing the wet party !!

Killing spree ....Owning !!

Another respected comer RQ together wet dreams... opps its wet party !!!


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