Sunday, November 26, 2006

26 Nov 2006 Sunday

Today meet up with 2 insurance agents, at 11 am a guy then at 12 pm a gal. We talked for a few hours then they cam up to my place. Talked for a while again then the gal went off around 3pm and the guy who is my friend in BMT went off around 4 plus.

I washed myself up and prepare myself for my friends wedding dinner think about it i got 4 bombs in total for this 3 months... scary

Got my self holladed again while driving the car.... this time round...Punggol>>Woodlands>>Jalan Kayu>>Boon Lay (destination reached. Had quite a sumtous dinner meet up with some ord friends there.

Afterthedinner got myself home and its already 12am...haiz working tomorrow again...start of another boring week


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