Saturday, December 02, 2006

1 Dec 2006 Friday

On leave today, went to meet jiawei and hon neng to go big boyz toyz at expo. Meet up my bro, his gf, my dad and my younger brother.

Went there to look at cars and bikes, later went to the IT fair to see the prices of the laptop as my younger brother wanted to get a laptop for his studies. His aim was something high end which cost about, $2,700. Does IT programming really need such high end laptops?

We did not purchase any as we were hoping for the prices to drop. We sat at the macau express had a little talk...after that went home...but i lost my handphone while i was sending jiawei and hon neng home. I realise i had left it on the table at the table on macau express.

I cancelled the line feeling very sad. Its not the phone i am sad about its the contacts that were in it my friends contacts all these years just end up gone in a snap of fingers...

After sending them home, i went down to tampiness to look for my brother. Reached there around 1120pm ...wait...waited... waiting ...1150pm still no sign of him. Panic i drove around that area a few times... still no sign of him...whats worse ilost my handphone no way of contacting him.

Finally i decided i parked my car aside walked to the nearest coffee shop hoping that they still have public phones with insertion of 10 cents. Finally found one...called him and to ease my mind he did not managed to get the bus only he was walking over from tampiness to Temasek Poly to look for me.

When i saw him i was so glad... the feeling was like when he just came back from Australia...

We had a little talk at the coffee shop that brought us so many memories .... saw a few groups of youngsters ,how we wished we were 18...lolx... memories are always well kept deep down in our hearts. Those carefree yet gutsy times...everything also dare days.

From here i realise time really flies looking back it was just like yesterday... and its already been almost 8 years. This i learned treasure the times together caused you might not have the time in the future and remember the good times and forget the bad times for when u think back its so silly and might regret it...


Blogger Pfeiffer and Jones's five stage experiential learning cycle said...

aiyao, ur date of ur blog put wrongly... Gt a piece of advise for u and ur brother who wanna study IT programming.. I used to study IT in SP and have a dip in it, major in mobile application.
1st of all, i don't feel the need to get such a high end lappy. Just with at least 40gb, 512 ram, combo drive, with intergated WLAN b, it will be enough. The cost price of it is ard $2.1 k to 2.3k. Try to get a reco brand. If u intend to sell it at later date, for example 3 yrs later u can fetch ard 700 to 800 bucks.
However i can agree that with a lappy, its convient to use, as u can used it anywhere.
feel free to ask me questions if u have any doubts.

9:33 PM  

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