Tuesday, October 10, 2006

10 Oct 2006 Tuesday

12am in the morning went to Airport to send the rest of the guys back to Taiwan, there is a sense of sadness fills in me. Time flies, we came back together and now they are leaving me. How i wish i could stay with them together ... maybe forever... but i know we cant. I really had lots of happy memories together over there. Goodbye my friends i will make sure i work hard over here awaiting for each and everyone of you return, by the time when you all are back i hope we are able to carve something out of our lives.

Please wait for my return,i will try my best to be there at the end of the year...

Tomorrow another new chapter of my life begins... i am going back to work again. New job new hope but same old place that i dislike, but i am learning to get in terms with that...so i think it should not be that bad. Hmm i still figuring how to get there and the fastest route ... i think its cab lolx


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