Sunday, November 05, 2006

4 Nov 2006 Saturday

Happening day for me today although tired but i love it...

In the morning , meet up with Jasmin and Jon's nephew and quite a few ppl at Bo Tien Temple... we are doing voluntary work for that day. We are to bring the old folks to the zoo... hmmm dunno how long never been to zoo ... only remember last time me Jiawei and Eng wanted to go but when reach zoo outside saw the price and the weather we went home.

Anyway, we brought the old folks to the zoo and a catered bus...there area few thai students also, i think they are doing some exchange programs here in Singapore but i am not too sure of that too. I was in charge of this grandpa who could not see so i was like talking to him the whole sesion.

After the old folks we went to Jon's home ... on the way we saw a dead terapin the road ...flaten poor thing.As you can see from the pic below its totally flatten.

While waiting for Jon to be back we access the roof of this Post office ... plus free drinks lolx... We tooka pic there but somehow my face looks miserable maybe its because of the sun ... hee hee. But the other 2 looks like theyarefrom Taiwan posing the cutie sign...whahahaah

After awhile Jon came and we took his car to Wild Wild Wet , to meet up with Grace and Huirong. We played the whole afternoon there trying to get our pic taken in the Ular boat but somehow we are always too fast for the camera... maybe we are too heavy = high velocity rate...the working staff there splash us water... disturbing we even grab their buckets... the faical expression on them was truly funny (stunted*) Come to think of it really public nuisance lolx.... We tried everything there...even the tsunami...we were like trying to link everyone up but very tiring due to waves and using our strength to pull everyone together...6 of us basically jammed the round about flow...

After wild wild wet , we went for dinner at macperson one of the kopitiam... dinner was exceptionally good but it really took us a long time to decide where we wanted to eat every time ....lolx. Next time i think i will be the coordinator for dinner finding places with good food so that we need not waste time.

All of us were very tired and Jon voluntered to send us where we want to go...he is so tired already still send us... thanks Jon.

We went to my place again, my room ws so dusty that poor Jasmin sinus came ...sorry i promise next time you come it will be clean and green hee heee.And as for Huirong she is sick maybe not enough of rest please do take care of health. Grace changed to her party clothing at my place and we waited for Jiawei to arrive.

Jiawei, his gf , his gf's frens and me went to Butter factory... personally i dont like the place no hard feelings. We could not finish our Jack Daniels so we decided to bring home. The staff there do not allow and said we could keep the liqour there for only a week. I was pissed off that i our away the rest of the JD just outside the main entrance and say i would not be coming back. Oh buying the JD got me afree lighter added to my JD gifts collection. Next time then i publish the pics when i got a showcase for them.

We went to Dragonfly at Power Station, there i opened another bottle but its Henessy... the songs there are more suitable for me... got techno at times hee hee. Meet up with Grace there, and Ah Guan say he not coming over as earlier he invited me over. Grace left earlier to meet up her friend for supper. Left Jiawei, his gf and me there... we went to the dance floor and dance .... kept the bottle of hnessy (at least there can keep for 2 months !!) Then we went home...

While on my way home...Ah guan called me and say he is at Draonfly...i told him i just left maybe another day then...

Reach home around 4 i think....sleeps...


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