Saturday, October 28, 2006

28 October 2006 Saturday

Meet up with grace, jon and jasmin. We wet to sentosa for sushi and swimming, before that me and grace grabbed a mac nuggets meal to subside our hunger for a while.

The sushi set was great however when we finish the box was too big for the rubbish bin so i left on the ashtray...

Went swimming for a while and we wanted to find a place to wash the doggies...but the place originally for washing is under we went to a place where it says no pets allowed...who cares no place logo...just do it

After getting the doggies washed up its our turn...we walked to almost the end of the beach toilets to get ourselves clean up.

** My mom called me at this moment...i was talking to her snooking her, she ask where am i and with who. I told her at sentosa with my grace said something with his saturday girlfriend... my mom panicked ... now you are with which girl i heard a girl say saturday girlfriend... i was like ya right... never the less i keep on snooking my mom hahahah....yah i everyday change girlfriend now with the saturday one cause today saturday mom gave up lolx....

After wash up we went house hopping then for dinner...we hop to jon's home, jon get changed, hop to my home and i get changed and lastly to my sat gf's home and she get changed... dun blur she is grace ... lolx

After 3 consecutive house hop we finally reach our dinner meet up point...Newton circle or circus whatever you called it. We meet up with my bro and his gf. Had a hearty dinner for most i suppose. Then grace was meeting someone to pick up something so she left us first. I called Eileen if she want to come out, she said that she was tired so without futher a do... okies rest well another day then. Another thing Eileen is just a friend of mine and she had someone in mind k...thank you.

Oh ya who has really sitted at a car boot from one place to another.... i dare to say i tried before lolx Kia car total of 8 passengers... i was sitting at the car boot ... yeah me atcar boot !!!lolx

Then we we planning to go to other places to chill out but we just cant figure out the end we went to Esplanade and later to Villa Bali damn never bring camera so many things i wanted to capture...

We ordered Jack Daniels, stock ran out...the sales of Jack Daniel so good? Ordered Jim Bean black ... ran out of stock again ....damned no one is going to stop me from drinking....and finally Jim Bean white....

Well for tonight we did not finish even half a bottle, controlled my thirst for liquor... i am thinking i should set my off days to fri and sat. sunday stay at home be good boy packmy room wash my clothes and do some self study. I dunno if i have the dicipline but i will still try

And as for sat i hope to set it for a healthy saturday whereby maybe go sentosa, swimming tennis whatever in the morning and afternoon. And as for the night , hee hee new plans - Roam around Singapore trying good and cheap food one place per week. Sounds good? I certainly think so. After dinner maybe grab a coffee or movies but less chill out maybe once a month for chilling out.

As for Friday well that depends who booked me :D ... chill out , disco, coffee break , movies anything ... you name it ... i am with it hee hee.

Oh ya i forget something ... i plan to quit smoking by end of this year and become a total social drinker....Talk to my bro today i will try my best not to let everyone of you who loves me dearly down.


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