Sunday, October 22, 2006

22 Oct 2006 Sunday

Today wake up , went out with Dalphin go Vivocity see see look look. After that we went orchard met up with my mom for coffee session.

After the coffee session my mom went to look for her friends and we continue to shop for a while. After that i sent Dalphin home.

Boring i called up jiawei and Eileen for to go drinking. We went to fisherman village again to finish my unfinished Jack Daniels. After drinking we went to sing KTV at orchard cinieleisure till 6am. Drank quite a few different types of beer butno more drunk sessions.

Went home at 6 plus and Eileen needs to go to school...:P think i made her not enough sleep. Sent her home and Jiawei went to my place to sleep.

A fulfilling day i think...totally used my time for rappor with friends...lolx


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