Thursday, October 19, 2006

18 Oct 2006 Wednesday

Today is damn tired ... yesterday sleep for 2 hours. Went to the airport in the middleof the night to pick up Yarh and RQ. Wasso happy to see them. However i saw Rick at the airport too lolx.He came back silently without letting anyone of us know...ku ku...

After saying goodbye to RQ and Yarh, we sent Rick to his home to put his things. After that we went to punggol kopitiam for supper. After that we went home, i went to Jiawei's home to sleep cause he was driving . I slept at 4am and woke up at 6am. Jiawei woke me up and cooked a bowl of noodles with luncheon meat... so caring just like a wife ... too bad he not a gal ....wahhahahah

Then i went to work... the whole day just waitng to off work. After work rush home to sleep cannot take it already. On the way home, i saw an old lady. I gave up my seat to her...feels great at heart. After a few stops she alighted returning the seat to me. Then a few stops later i saw a pregnant women...i dunno what to say to myself... i was thinking if i gave up my seat to this lady. People might think i trying to act nice. However before i finish considering giving up my seat someone actually gave his sit to the pregnant lady...smiling at myself i thought well there are still nice people out there if not i would be giving up a seat to 2 person in need in a trip back to home... i dun mind doing that just that it feels funny and how may people think... anyway if no one give up thier sit ... i believe i wouldstill stand up and give up my seat to the pregnantlady regardless what ppl think of me... trying to act nice or whatever


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