Saturday, October 14, 2006

13 Sep 2006 Friday

Friday the 13th...hmmm hope nothing bad happens. Today went for a 4.8Km run...t think i did not run for about 5 months...after running my legs really felt wobbly.

On the way home after work i fell asleep on the bus ... lucky Ken called me on the phone that woke me up. LOLX ... i still f*** him for waking me up that makes me alight earlier which is i over shot due to over slept. Thanks Ken ... lolx. Ken came all the way to pick me up then we went to Jalan Besar to eat curry rice. Its been years since i been there.

After that Jiawei and his girlfriend came to pick me up and we went to Fisherman Vilage for a drink...actually not a drink but a bottle of Jack Daniels ...lolx. We drank till the place close and we went to the beach sit down and talk. We ended swimming with everything on ... his poor girlfriend pick our stuff for us. That was very nice of her...thank you.

After that we bath in the pub's toilet and we went home in a taxi. The taxi did not mind our wetness hee hee. Before that , finally i concured the highest level of the red rope maze tower. We climbed to the top wanting to take a photo but we did not bring our camera too bad...


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