Wednesday, October 11, 2006

11 Oct 2006 Wednesday

Yesterday tried to fall alseep the whole night, but i just cant get to sleep. Maybe its due to body clock turn over. Thinking of what should i do with my life, beginning eith a new chapter...lolx

5am jump out of bed head for a shower, 515am i am at opposite my kopitiam eating breakfast...2 eggs a cup of teh and toast bread...great breakfast. Headed for work, when reach my work place ... waited to be interview had another 2 eggs with a cup of teh again.

Whole morning waiting just to be interviewed, interviewed past my lunch break grabbed a bowl of mee rubus with an egg AGAIN.... Afternoon was like a zombie sitting looking at ppl doing their job. Man hours un-accounted for...:P. 6pm off work, went to meet my brother at Harbour Front Mrt, take my dinner there Lor Mee again ... yes eggs...

Today in total i had 6 eggs for a day i am going to die of high cholestral soon.

Had my dinner at Harbour Front , saw quite a few pretty ladies ... hmmm why arent there any for me....sobz (Cos i have no money and i am not handsome)so gambate for a better life !!!~~

Best present of the day was meeting up with my brother, work was ... errm no words to describe to boringness in me. Although my brother and me were tired after a day work for him and a day of stoning for me, we still talk and public nuisance together just like the good old days. Just that olden das we took bus now we took mrt...hey we upgraded you know !!~~

Very tired now, 845pm i am going to sleep good night everyone wish me luck for tomorrows brand new day... and to you people "SLEEP EARLY!!~~~" muhahahaha


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