Thursday, October 12, 2006

12 Oct 2006 Thurday

Hmmm ... today juat a normal working day for me. I was being arrowed for secondary appointment on the second day of job. Guess what i am not grumbling and i was happy to accept it. Guess i have really grown up ready for more responsiblity other than my primary job. I was thinking how i could make it better and i could have chances of meeting new people. But this job causes me to work overtime every Mon, Wed and Fri which is tomorrow.

On the way home today i saw a pretty lady taking the same LRT with me, WOW her looks and dress sense really bites me. However i saw her hands, guess what ... not that her hand was disfigured or what just that i saw diamond ring and a rolex watch on still the most important thingy. Guess i have to work harder...
Today my investment SWISSCASH just transfered $1600 into my account happy hee hee.

Went home feeling bored, watched a movie "Leroy and Stitch". Little did i know that it was Stitch movie Part 3. Watching the show reminds me of my first time watching "Lilo and Stitch" .... "My name is Stitch, this is my family" ... how many people do really think of their families these days other than wanting more from each other and grumbling each other. How many people think of how to make thier loves ones lives better? Seeing the deteoriating of selfless people sometimes makes me sick ...

There are some people who still give to people happiness but numbers are degenerating. Ask youngsters these days do they ever think of feeding their parents when their parents are old? Ask couples have you ever thought what you could do to give your spouse a better life? Ask friends have you ever thought of what you could do for your friend today? Most of the people think of only what they want and expect from others... if you expect this from people , are you able to give what people expect of you ? I am not a saint myself i am selfish too but i do not expect things from people i expect what i could give first in order to have the ability to ask from people.

Well think of it face reality ... i am lucky that i have friends who are willing to lend a helping hand and people who treasure my friendship. Guys and gals thanks to you. Thats why at times when i am lonely , thinking of you all looking at the photographs we have taken in the past does brighten up my day. Thank you.


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