Sunday, October 15, 2006

15 Oct 2006 Sunday

Today i went to meet up with my primary school mate Catherine. We went to junction 8 to catch a movie after that had dinner at Sake Sushi.

Come to think of it we have know each other since Pri 5 and thats 12 years old and now weare 27 this year...kaoz 15 years friendship !!!!

i really dunno what should i say .... ermm .... glad to see her again. When we in primary 5 we used to sit beside each other and we squabbled almost everyday. We even go to the extend of drawing lines on our desk not to cross each others territory. Come to think of it although stupid but i really miss those youthful and world without worry days. Even our school was being demolished. Our classroom used to be hexagon in shape.

Ever since we seperated class in pri 6, we did not get to see each other till last few yearswe meet once at starbucks for coffee.

Today we went for a show and dinner after all these years ... lolx ... quite a memorable day.


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