Thursday, October 19, 2006

19 Oct 2006 Thurday

Today a boring day.... morning gather information and then afternoon went for a talk thats the end...

After work went to meet up my bro, had my dinner at harbour front rice ..not bad ... my bro again accompanied me to Sengkang AGAIN... every time, want to accompany home also hard but i appreciate his nice gestures.

On the train i was attractd to this gal, i keep peeking at her... dun anyhow think ok...just trying to get more glimsp of her and admire her thats all... she alighted at Kovan...well again i said to my self adies are not meant for so give up.

This leads me think of our poly days when my bro and iagreed that this particular lady was verypretty and we are in the same section of the train, we alighted at the same station as her just wanting to get to know her... i still remember its Toa ever we 2 ku kus follow untill we lost track of her. Thinking about it how silly we are , cant even track a person properly. Thats was around our 2nd year in poly. 2 playful guys indeed really miss those carefree days. Thanks bro for being there for me all these years.


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