Tuesday, October 24, 2006

23 October 2006 Monday

Today on off not working...lolx. Jiawei slept over at my place...we woke up at around 12pm. Changed to shirt and pants we had our lunch at Sengkang then went to his home.

He too changed to shirt and pants and we went to orchard to meet up his propect.After that we went for dinner at swensen with his gf and his gf's fren. Jenny or janet :P

After that they went home, i went to parklane tcc to wait for her to finish her show with a guy.During the waiting time Rick called me up and said he wanted to join me.

After a while Rick came and we waited for Eileen. When Eileen came ... i was like wow...her dressing makes her look like a mature young lady :P

We went to Ah guan brother birthday at Safra near boat quay... my brother came with his gf (my sis). After a while they left. I sent them down. When i was leaving them... i saw this lorry nearly knock sean down ... burning with anger i showed the driver middle finger. I asked my bro to go home first sent them to taxi. That moment my heart dropped. Fuck the bloody driver

Went back to Safra,we continued drinking, Eileen i think take a bit too much and she vomitted. So I drink the rest for her, Ah guan's brother ordered a barrel basically the whole barrel was drank my me.

Eileen told me she was cols i got her some cushion, warmed her hand for her.Hugged her to keep her warm...and i was lost drunk thats the last thing i rememebered. I wstold i feel asleep and Rick sent me home... walking a few circles below my block ...


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