Thursday, December 07, 2006

3rd Dec 2006 Sunday

Rush rush is rushing here and there. Woke up at 11am rush to bath then rush to Compasspoint to meet my fren robin. Then waited for Edna my HSBC insurance agent at 3pm. After that rush back home pick my younger brother and dad up and rush to expo to get my younger brother a lappy(ASUS) cost ~$2100. After that rush them home. After that i rush down to Woodlands to pick Jiawei and his gf Ivy up. Rush to Khatib mrt to meet up her friends. Lead them the way to Pasir Ris Mid Nite Summer Breeze...

Had our dinner there, whole day drive here and there... tired i still like being a passenger. After dinner chat till around 11pm sent them home and i went home.

Some pics taken over there at MidNite Summer Breeze.


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