Wednesday, November 08, 2006

7 Nov 2006 Tuesday

Today woke up 5am as usual went to kopitam opposite my block for breakfast... took a cab to my workplace at 545am. Yes there is a midnight fee if you might ask...

The taxi uncle asked me if he should change his company cause the other company rental is cheaper however there is no benefits of 600 dollars per half a year...however the benefits only apply if he does not have accident, bad records and never apply sick leave. THis current company rental is 91 dollars a day , the other company is 79 dollars a day.Its like if you work in the other company u save minimum around 280++ a month calculated thats around 1600 per half year...and the benefits of current company is matter how i calculate its still better so i encourage him to jump

The uncle told me that he also lives at punggol and if next time see me he will call me and treat me to a drink...lolx we will see about that.

Reach my workplace as 630am... the whole i have been working non stop till close to 10pm. Damn tired... shared cab with 2 colleagues and reach home around close to 11 plus. Cab fare was around 24 dollars lucky is shared...

Damn tired ... took a bath and went to bed...lay dead.


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