Friday, December 15, 2006

16 Dec 2006 Saturday

Suddenly i feel depressed again. Sitting at one corner i ask my myselfwhat is wrong with me...i really dunno the ans though.

I have been thinking, why am i always around for people who is in need. Then what happens when i am the one in need? I am a guy in a society whereby guys are ought to be stronger, always have to put on a brave front for this and that. We are not to show our feeling so easily or should i say readily cause the society despise so.

Why should i be there for people? Why should i be swallowing when other rave anger at me? Why should i be so concern about others when their problems are over they might not even remember who was with them when they are down?

I really feel like isolating myself, be likeit a not. I also got ATTITUDE. I also got ANGER. I also got my DISLIKES. Why should i be pleasing everyone? I feel like telling them off. Be it you like it a not thats me. Want you tolerate me why must i be tolerating almost everyone. Like it be with dont like fuck away from me.

I too hunger for love and care. I find my hunger for shower of care and concern more and more today. Is your problem and dislike so big in this world that everything must be pin point down to the word "I". If wan to talk about I, I dont care whatyou think thats your own fucking problem. Why should I hear your sadness be with you and let you vent your anger? Why should I be mr nice guy when i am always telling people all around me that i am a barbarian.

Till now i still cant find an answer. I too got my worries got my problems got my hunger for love and shower of care...Although i said all these but when help is needed i still find it hard to turn people down cause i dont want to regret without helping another that is within my means...What a fuck up person I am.

For those who are reading this dont mind me. This thought just suddnely surface a while i be fine trust me,i just find that i too need care and concern just like i used to have from my mom and the hunger for this is growing significantly. I feel like a little boy wanting to seek attention, tears nearly roll down as i am typing this.Just wanna blog my feelings...


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