Monday, April 10, 2006

11 Apr 2006 Tues

All has really come to an end, she finally blogged that she broke up with me after breaking up with me whne i was in Taiwan 2 weeks before i came back.

I dunno who will read this blog. If you ever read this again... i blooged we broke up and yes i removed cause you told me you have not confirm our break up. You left me hanging till yesterday. You said u wanted to save this relationship, but i am sure if u really wanted more effort could be put in. You are too busy with your work even to reply my sms. You went to celebrate your friends birthday instead of picking me as you had promised which broke my heart. Is that how you save a relationship which is on the edge of the cliff? Any way everything is over since u have made up your mind.

Thanks for all the beautiful memories. Wishing u all the best in whatever you do. Hope you find your Mr Right. You told me we should break in peace like grown ups, i respect your decision, take care and good bye.