Wednesday, December 27, 2006

27 Dec 2006 Wednesday

Its been some time since i last blog, currently i am in Taiwan. having holidays? you might think so....haaiz.

Just a little recap. Reached Taiwan on the 18 Dec, went to take bus all the way to th place i intended to stay. Reach there around 9pm, tired after 4 hours of plane journey. Feel asleep. One day just passed like that.

19 Dec - 20 Dec went to Taipei to shop for clothes, dissapointed by the weather cause its rainning and the clothes due to its winter. They are selling winter clothes everywhere.

21 Dec went back to the place i stayedhad a drinking session with my old friends. The feeling is like i am still working in times flies i have been in Singapore for 2 months already.

22 Dec went up to taipei again for the slogan dun give up hope. We were able to laise with one shop for its clothes although quite ex i am sure it will be appealing to the working class.

23 Dec recieved a piece of sad news from singapore which i shall not elaborate here due to protection of the particular person but hope that person would grab a hold of themselves.

24 Dec Christmas Eve , most of you must be having fun ... as for me i think i spend a lot in Taiwan so its time to tone down a bit. So i decided to hide in my inteded place of stay.

25 Dec Christmas day, well today was planning to travel futher than usual but change of plans end up still hide but at the evening went to drink with friends again. Chat up a bit went back and sleep. Little happy memories of the past slips in and guess what... i finally got a chance to ride skipper on the road lolx, Best of all, i was pillion by a lady friend who is only 15 years dont think otherwise. After that i pillion her home, then i made my way home. But today i tried riding 3 different skippers, damn its nice to have a bike and not wearing helmet while riding lolx

26 dec - 27 dec went up taipei again meet up with jiawei cousins and shopped around. Planning to go Gao Hsiung today but end up we delay due to we wake up late and you know what the ticket to Gao Hsiung cost SGD close to 45 bucks per trip per pax. We nearly faint but what the heck since we are here we might as well make full use of it
...Tomorrow will be another long day travel 5 hours there Even fly back to Singapore time also shorter....


Blogger blur said...

i read ur pervious few entry. i hope that u are better and i guess uare now. just give me a buzz when u need help. i will be a listening ear by all means. :)

7:41 AM  

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