Wednesday, December 27, 2006

27 Dec 2006 Wednesday

Its been some time since i last blog, currently i am in Taiwan. having holidays? you might think so....haaiz.

Just a little recap. Reached Taiwan on the 18 Dec, went to take bus all the way to th place i intended to stay. Reach there around 9pm, tired after 4 hours of plane journey. Feel asleep. One day just passed like that.

19 Dec - 20 Dec went to Taipei to shop for clothes, dissapointed by the weather cause its rainning and the clothes due to its winter. They are selling winter clothes everywhere.

21 Dec went back to the place i stayedhad a drinking session with my old friends. The feeling is like i am still working in times flies i have been in Singapore for 2 months already.

22 Dec went up to taipei again for the slogan dun give up hope. We were able to laise with one shop for its clothes although quite ex i am sure it will be appealing to the working class.

23 Dec recieved a piece of sad news from singapore which i shall not elaborate here due to protection of the particular person but hope that person would grab a hold of themselves.

24 Dec Christmas Eve , most of you must be having fun ... as for me i think i spend a lot in Taiwan so its time to tone down a bit. So i decided to hide in my inteded place of stay.

25 Dec Christmas day, well today was planning to travel futher than usual but change of plans end up still hide but at the evening went to drink with friends again. Chat up a bit went back and sleep. Little happy memories of the past slips in and guess what... i finally got a chance to ride skipper on the road lolx, Best of all, i was pillion by a lady friend who is only 15 years dont think otherwise. After that i pillion her home, then i made my way home. But today i tried riding 3 different skippers, damn its nice to have a bike and not wearing helmet while riding lolx

26 dec - 27 dec went up taipei again meet up with jiawei cousins and shopped around. Planning to go Gao Hsiung today but end up we delay due to we wake up late and you know what the ticket to Gao Hsiung cost SGD close to 45 bucks per trip per pax. We nearly faint but what the heck since we are here we might as well make full use of it
...Tomorrow will be another long day travel 5 hours there Even fly back to Singapore time also shorter....

Friday, December 15, 2006

16 Dec 2006 Saturday

Suddenly i feel depressed again. Sitting at one corner i ask my myselfwhat is wrong with me...i really dunno the ans though.

I have been thinking, why am i always around for people who is in need. Then what happens when i am the one in need? I am a guy in a society whereby guys are ought to be stronger, always have to put on a brave front for this and that. We are not to show our feeling so easily or should i say readily cause the society despise so.

Why should i be there for people? Why should i be swallowing when other rave anger at me? Why should i be so concern about others when their problems are over they might not even remember who was with them when they are down?

I really feel like isolating myself, be likeit a not. I also got ATTITUDE. I also got ANGER. I also got my DISLIKES. Why should i be pleasing everyone? I feel like telling them off. Be it you like it a not thats me. Want you tolerate me why must i be tolerating almost everyone. Like it be with dont like fuck away from me.

I too hunger for love and care. I find my hunger for shower of care and concern more and more today. Is your problem and dislike so big in this world that everything must be pin point down to the word "I". If wan to talk about I, I dont care whatyou think thats your own fucking problem. Why should I hear your sadness be with you and let you vent your anger? Why should I be mr nice guy when i am always telling people all around me that i am a barbarian.

Till now i still cant find an answer. I too got my worries got my problems got my hunger for love and shower of care...Although i said all these but when help is needed i still find it hard to turn people down cause i dont want to regret without helping another that is within my means...What a fuck up person I am.

For those who are reading this dont mind me. This thought just suddnely surface a while i be fine trust me,i just find that i too need care and concern just like i used to have from my mom and the hunger for this is growing significantly. I feel like a little boy wanting to seek attention, tears nearly roll down as i am typing this.Just wanna blog my feelings...
14 Dec 2006 Tuesday

Today after work went back home borrowed my father's car then went to pick Joanne up and went to her sister's place. We bought some gifts for the kids.

Its been a year plus that i last saw them dunno how much have they grown up. Below are some pictures of them .... really cute !!~~

Thursday, December 07, 2006

3rd Dec 2006 Sunday

Rush rush is rushing here and there. Woke up at 11am rush to bath then rush to Compasspoint to meet my fren robin. Then waited for Edna my HSBC insurance agent at 3pm. After that rush back home pick my younger brother and dad up and rush to expo to get my younger brother a lappy(ASUS) cost ~$2100. After that rush them home. After that i rush down to Woodlands to pick Jiawei and his gf Ivy up. Rush to Khatib mrt to meet up her friends. Lead them the way to Pasir Ris Mid Nite Summer Breeze...

Had our dinner there, whole day drive here and there... tired i still like being a passenger. After dinner chat till around 11pm sent them home and i went home.

Some pics taken over there at MidNite Summer Breeze.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

2 Dec 2006 Saturday

Sim Lim - went there to source out cheaper lap top for my brother...Sean, Jiawei and Hon neng accompanied me. We source for quite a few lappy in mind and i called my younger brother and asked if he wants but still he dont want.

After SimLim we were preparing to go home. Ivy called Jiawei and said she failed her exams today. Jiawei went to accompany her after awhile she used jiaweí's hp to call me saying she very sad and wants me to accompany them go chiong... i agreed.

Afternoon mommy jasmin called said if i wanted to meet up so i told her today cant i need to accompany my sis as she failed her exams.

At night we planned to go Double O drink then go Dragonfly to dance. When meet up with Jiawei and ivy. They told me she never fail her exams....rubbish but its great news too.

We went to Double O , both of trhem open a bottle of Chivas. To celebrate ivy ad one of her friends birthday. I called Wilson up asked he wanted to join. Wilson came, we drank GRAVEYARD...yucks...drink Chivas halfway ...hee hee

Took a few photos for that day...Wilson sent me home.

Group photo taken by Wilson ...

Guys night out...

Guys having fun...

Gals of the night ...

Gals having fun...?

Funny faces?... not all

Couple of the year !!!

Couple of the year !!!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

1 Dec 2006 Friday

On leave today, went to meet jiawei and hon neng to go big boyz toyz at expo. Meet up my bro, his gf, my dad and my younger brother.

Went there to look at cars and bikes, later went to the IT fair to see the prices of the laptop as my younger brother wanted to get a laptop for his studies. His aim was something high end which cost about, $2,700. Does IT programming really need such high end laptops?

We did not purchase any as we were hoping for the prices to drop. We sat at the macau express had a little talk...after that went home...but i lost my handphone while i was sending jiawei and hon neng home. I realise i had left it on the table at the table on macau express.

I cancelled the line feeling very sad. Its not the phone i am sad about its the contacts that were in it my friends contacts all these years just end up gone in a snap of fingers...

After sending them home, i went down to tampiness to look for my brother. Reached there around 1120pm ...wait...waited... waiting ...1150pm still no sign of him. Panic i drove around that area a few times... still no sign of him...whats worse ilost my handphone no way of contacting him.

Finally i decided i parked my car aside walked to the nearest coffee shop hoping that they still have public phones with insertion of 10 cents. Finally found one...called him and to ease my mind he did not managed to get the bus only he was walking over from tampiness to Temasek Poly to look for me.

When i saw him i was so glad... the feeling was like when he just came back from Australia...

We had a little talk at the coffee shop that brought us so many memories .... saw a few groups of youngsters ,how we wished we were 18...lolx... memories are always well kept deep down in our hearts. Those carefree yet gutsy times...everything also dare days.

From here i realise time really flies looking back it was just like yesterday... and its already been almost 8 years. This i learned treasure the times together caused you might not have the time in the future and remember the good times and forget the bad times for when u think back its so silly and might regret it...