Thursday, November 30, 2006

27 Nov 2006 Monday

After work went to meet up with Jiawei, went to chevrons to meet my Taiwan colleagues. Some of them are already back in Singapore. We had some beer, did some catching up and drank some beer.

Although we had met up for only 2 hours but it was really great feeling. Almost half the people are around and growing.Waiting for the rest of the guys to be back... Taiwan i love you !!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

26 Nov 2006 Sunday

Today meet up with 2 insurance agents, at 11 am a guy then at 12 pm a gal. We talked for a few hours then they cam up to my place. Talked for a while again then the gal went off around 3pm and the guy who is my friend in BMT went off around 4 plus.

I washed myself up and prepare myself for my friends wedding dinner think about it i got 4 bombs in total for this 3 months... scary

Got my self holladed again while driving the car.... this time round...Punggol>>Woodlands>>Jalan Kayu>>Boon Lay (destination reached. Had quite a sumtous dinner meet up with some ord friends there.

Afterthedinner got myself home and its already 12am...haiz working tomorrow again...start of another boring week
25 Nov 2006 Saturday

Today went to cut hair, i meet up with Jon around 130pm. I am already very late and we went to meet up with Jasmin and Grace.

After the hairsut we went to Tion Bahru Plaza for brunch lolx... ate at a restaurant named grill i think can really remember the name. We planned for a movie...Royale Casino which starts at 5.15pm. Grace and me rush to Takashimaya to get a voucher and a few books.

Then rush back to Tiong Bahru for the movie again...i fell asleep halfway through the movie think i am quite tired...After the movie Grace went to her friends birthday dinner and we continue to Chinatown for karaoke. Meet up with wei wei's friend a really young kid ...we sang till around 1.45am then we decided to go dragonfly. However unsuccesful then we went home.
25 Nov 2006 Saturday

Today went to cut hair, i meet up with Jon around 130pm. I am already very late and we went to meet up with Jasmin and Grace.

After the hairsut we went to Tion Bahru Plaza for brunch lolx... ate at a restaurant named grill i think can really remember the name. We planned for a movie...Royale Casino which starts at 5.15pm. Grace and me rush to Takashimaya to get a voucher and a few books.

Then rush back to Tiong Bahru for the movie again...i fell asleep halfway through the movie think i am quite tired...After the movie Grace went to her friends birthday dinner and we continue to Chinatown for karaoke. Meet up with wei wei's friend a really young kid ...we sang till around 1.45am then we decided to go dragonfly. However unsuccesful then we went home.
24 Nov 2006 Friday

Today went to Jiawei home immediately after work... did the design for our logo.

After that we went to Double O to drink, went home around 3am , the music there not my type.
21 Nov 2006 Tuesday

This whole week i wont be in the office course on computer course at parklane... lolx really looking forward to it. Got so many things i wanted to learn and put into use. Hope it will be helpful.

The food over there are really expensive siah...

Today drive car to work followed my friends car end up i hollanded again... you know wher i end up ... marina south carpark A...

Called wilson up and use loudspeaker, he guide me all the way to my workplace, really thanks to him.

After send Woo and Chew home... rainning siah. Went to jiawei home pick him up then we send Chew home and had dinner together.
19 Nov 2006 Sunday

Today my dad went overseasso i drove his car aound, sent him to airport but i end up hollanded back home - airport >> tampiness >> khaki bukit >>tampiness >>home. Really feel like mountain tortise.

After that afternoon went to Jeremy's place cause his daughter one month. (second one this year)

After that went to Jon's home to pick them up for dinner together with my bro. We went for movies... STEP UP... really nice show and inspiring.

After movie i send them home and went home. Nice week spent.
18 Nov 2006 Saturday

Today went to play tennis with Jon, Jasmin, Grace and some of Jon's friends.
Really old liao hard to capture the trick of the sport. Haiz...lolx

After tennis we went for dinner at Alexandra there, we had "zhi cha". Eat untill very full, then went to Jon's home to bath. Then we went to Celeste birthday at Safra at Boat Quay there. Ordered Jack Daniels to drink...alot of people were there. Feel a bit funny though...cause i dun actually belong there lucky got Jon to accompany me.

Drink till around 3am, then actually wanted to switch to Dragonfly to dance however last minute change of plans and we went home. I sent Joanne home, at home Jiayan msn me say she very angry i also dunno what to do also ... so msg a few ppl asking for help.

They ask me not to worry so much as they will take care of it, so i went to sleep at 4am.
17 Nov 2006 Friday

Today went Dragonfly with Jiawei, his gf and his gf's friend. Went there i waited for Grace to come. The ladies while waiting did not complained about standing for a few hours really salute them.

Grace came later and its quite messycause some of our friends are still outside and some have yet to arrive. We did not have a table but around midnight some people gave up atable to us. Thanking the nice people, our group was like flooded with ladies. I think there are about 7 gals and 5 guys.

Drink alot then i got drunk again but lucky know how to get home. Jiawei gf was high,think she drank too much also.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

14 Nov 2006 Tuesday

Been blogging almost everyday...for those of you who read myblog thanks for the concern.

I have come to a decision not to blog everyday as my life isnt so happening everyday so i decided to blog my feelings and happening incidents to me to keep as journal.

I have been through a few blogs today even my younger brother's...suddenly i feel that he has grown his blog he got his own problems too. Suddenly i feel that i have not been a good brother. I dont even understand him well even though every night he is just a wall away from me.

Thinking through it how many wantto have brothers but yet dun have but for those of us who have how much of us treasure it. For me all these years is just like a sense of responsibility but never occured to me thati still have a blood brother. And my truly younger brother. Always wanted the best for him but never tried to understand him. Maybe i am very good at making you people close to me but when it comes to family ties i am quite a failure. I asked myself how many times did i go out with my family... the answer i could not answer ... i only remember bringing my brother to a movie when he was younger and thats all. Remember how i played with him in the olddays when he was smaller and how jealous i got over him when my parents attention were all on him when he was so small that could hardly defend himself. So stupid of me

I hope i am still not too late in catching up although he have his world i have my own but when the sun sets when everyone is back to their homes, we still face each other and thats our family.

Weixiong if you are reading this i have plans for my future and you have yours. Go ahead and do whatever you feel its right but do not regret and seek advice first. For i will be there for you in everything u need that i can support you of. When night falls u are lonely i will be there to share and lend a listening ear.

Love Brother,
Roy Wong

Saturday, November 11, 2006

11 Nov 2006 Saturday

Today planned to go eat with Sean-my brother as yesterday is his birthday but i am working so today compensate him.

Reached home around 10am after my work fell onto my bed and slept...woke up around 3pm.Then went to meet Sean at Parklane...planning to gather there.

End up only My bro, his gf, Wilson, Ken and Me.We went to marina south to eat curry fish head.

After the dinner we went to Devils Bar there really quiet at first but crowd came around after 12am. We ordered Jim Bean drank and played games...Dalphin came to join us. After a while Ken left for his girlfriend...

As usual Sean went home early... now left only Wilson,Dalphin and me. We drank finish the Jim bean and went to the dance floor.

While dancing i saw this gal smiling at me... so i went up to her to be friend. We exchange telephone numbers...lolx she look very lian when under the light.

After the disco we went to Geylang for supper eat Yong He Dou Jiang. I didnt know that Taiwan Yong He Dou Jiang can be in Singapore and has been around for quite some ku ku of me.

After that i sent Wilson and Dalphin home...

Below are some photos taken at Devils Bar for memory of Sean's Birthday...

10 Nov 2006 Friday

Stayed in for work today... work the whole night... damned tired nothing to blog also...stay tuned for the next day

Thursday, November 09, 2006

9 Nov 2006 Thursday

Yesterday was my mother's birthday, she wanted to eat dinner with me. But i dun have the time...too many things to do too little time.

Gave her a red packet of 300 , take it as i buy the tv for her birthday present.

Today went to work as usual but most people are not around, did quite alot of job facing the damn computer till my eyes going to pop out compiling data the whole day dealing with figures...not tired but eyes very tired.

After work meet up my insurance agent who is also my ex camp mate, my investments are doing fine . Switch to another investment instrument that just came out not long ago cause the one i am holing has went over its past peak....scary...what goes up must come down so i decided to change of investment...My insurance lasped for 4 months totalling $424...arghsss (scratch head)getting poorer everyday....

Back at homearound 830pm ... thinking about tomorrow boring i will be working overnight tomorrow...haiz but what to do i look forward to Saturday to have a simple dinner with my brother cause it will be his birthday tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

8Nov 2006 Wednesday

Due to yesterday late work i was given half day off for today...slept till 11pm i decided to take another half day leave. No point i go back office and come back after a few hours.

I decided to fully utilised my time for up jiawei and went to 4th Chin Bee Road ... sounds familiar huh yah thats where i went to last sat just behind the old folks home. Went there to enroll my class 4 license. After that went to Posb bank to re-do my bank book causei dunno where i put and make a new atm card as i lost mine during April this year hahahaha.... at the same time replace my current atm card its like in bits and pieces.

THe driving course cost $650 damned...anthing here is expensive. Anyway its a skilled to be learned for future use... INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE.

After that me and jiawei proceed to Boon Lay to have our lunch at 4pm...a very late lunch. Then we went to shop around...
after that we went to pick his gf at Yio Chu Kang...sent her home.

Went to Jiawei'shome to do some printing of my certifcates...talked about setting up business untill 9pm. He sent me home and we had dinner at the first kopitiam at punggol then we went home.

Looks like i had spent time quite well ... i feel :P
7 Nov 2006 Tuesday

Today woke up 5am as usual went to kopitam opposite my block for breakfast... took a cab to my workplace at 545am. Yes there is a midnight fee if you might ask...

The taxi uncle asked me if he should change his company cause the other company rental is cheaper however there is no benefits of 600 dollars per half a year...however the benefits only apply if he does not have accident, bad records and never apply sick leave. THis current company rental is 91 dollars a day , the other company is 79 dollars a day.Its like if you work in the other company u save minimum around 280++ a month calculated thats around 1600 per half year...and the benefits of current company is matter how i calculate its still better so i encourage him to jump

The uncle told me that he also lives at punggol and if next time see me he will call me and treat me to a drink...lolx we will see about that.

Reach my workplace as 630am... the whole i have been working non stop till close to 10pm. Damn tired... shared cab with 2 colleagues and reach home around close to 11 plus. Cab fare was around 24 dollars lucky is shared...

Damn tired ... took a bath and went to bed...lay dead.
6 Nov 2006 Monday

Times flies when you enjoy, its monday again... this week i foresee its gonna be a tired week for me got lots of appointment and overtime work...

Well today nothing as the usual go home on time and stayed at home.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

5 Nov 2006 Sunday

Woke up at 4pm ...tired...aching all over my shouder...must start to train back liao...

Meet up with Jiawei wanting to go Peninsular Plaza try our luck to buy adidas clothes but without avail...

Shopped around end up i bought Giordano clothes again, yesterday i bout 6 pieces... today i bought another 3 polo tees and a pair of jeans... arghhh i am spending too much liao.... Must start tosave up again...exercise dicipline discipline!!

Later Jiawei send me homw with his mom's van... we went to Yishun meet up with Teh See for a drink and saw Benjamin there too talked for while on life and we headed home...
4 Nov 2006 Saturday

Happening day for me today although tired but i love it...

In the morning , meet up with Jasmin and Jon's nephew and quite a few ppl at Bo Tien Temple... we are doing voluntary work for that day. We are to bring the old folks to the zoo... hmmm dunno how long never been to zoo ... only remember last time me Jiawei and Eng wanted to go but when reach zoo outside saw the price and the weather we went home.

Anyway, we brought the old folks to the zoo and a catered bus...there area few thai students also, i think they are doing some exchange programs here in Singapore but i am not too sure of that too. I was in charge of this grandpa who could not see so i was like talking to him the whole sesion.

After the old folks we went to Jon's home ... on the way we saw a dead terapin the road ...flaten poor thing.As you can see from the pic below its totally flatten.

While waiting for Jon to be back we access the roof of this Post office ... plus free drinks lolx... We tooka pic there but somehow my face looks miserable maybe its because of the sun ... hee hee. But the other 2 looks like theyarefrom Taiwan posing the cutie sign...whahahaah

After awhile Jon came and we took his car to Wild Wild Wet , to meet up with Grace and Huirong. We played the whole afternoon there trying to get our pic taken in the Ular boat but somehow we are always too fast for the camera... maybe we are too heavy = high velocity rate...the working staff there splash us water... disturbing we even grab their buckets... the faical expression on them was truly funny (stunted*) Come to think of it really public nuisance lolx.... We tried everything there...even the tsunami...we were like trying to link everyone up but very tiring due to waves and using our strength to pull everyone together...6 of us basically jammed the round about flow...

After wild wild wet , we went for dinner at macperson one of the kopitiam... dinner was exceptionally good but it really took us a long time to decide where we wanted to eat every time ....lolx. Next time i think i will be the coordinator for dinner finding places with good food so that we need not waste time.

All of us were very tired and Jon voluntered to send us where we want to go...he is so tired already still send us... thanks Jon.

We went to my place again, my room ws so dusty that poor Jasmin sinus came ...sorry i promise next time you come it will be clean and green hee heee.And as for Huirong she is sick maybe not enough of rest please do take care of health. Grace changed to her party clothing at my place and we waited for Jiawei to arrive.

Jiawei, his gf , his gf's frens and me went to Butter factory... personally i dont like the place no hard feelings. We could not finish our Jack Daniels so we decided to bring home. The staff there do not allow and said we could keep the liqour there for only a week. I was pissed off that i our away the rest of the JD just outside the main entrance and say i would not be coming back. Oh buying the JD got me afree lighter added to my JD gifts collection. Next time then i publish the pics when i got a showcase for them.

We went to Dragonfly at Power Station, there i opened another bottle but its Henessy... the songs there are more suitable for me... got techno at times hee hee. Meet up with Grace there, and Ah Guan say he not coming over as earlier he invited me over. Grace left earlier to meet up her friend for supper. Left Jiawei, his gf and me there... we went to the dance floor and dance .... kept the bottle of hnessy (at least there can keep for 2 months !!) Then we went home...

While on my way home...Ah guan called me and say he is at Draonfly...i told him i just left maybe another day then...

Reach home around 4 i think....sleeps...

Friday, November 03, 2006

3 Nov 2006 Friday

Today Friday... Jiawei come to Vivocity wait fr me to off work we went to eat dinner then we went to Novena hopping to find our fav adidas clothes but do not have...

We plan to Peninsuka Plaza but it closes early...

So we went home then i wanted to go drink but i decided to stay at home...

I talked to my friends in Taiwan drink beer at home, cheers with them in Taiwan... although only heard their voices but i am happy...

Very meaningful to me....Listening to techno drinking beer with them in Taiwan...Wahahaha...Wait for me guys i will be back !!!

The Legend continues !!!
2 Nov 2006 Thursday

Today stay at home after work good boy.... my leave have been approved Taiwan here i Come !!!!!!
1 Nov 2006 Wednesday

Today after work went to meet up with Jaiwei and Glauze to discuss about business... we planned to meet at 7pm but all of us reach early ... good quality of punctuality...

We went to had our dinner at Mac... ordered too much cant finish the fries ... wasted but who cares...

We disucss about Glauze up coming project gave him ideas and such...

After that Jiawei sent me home....

Oh ya at the Causeway point Charles and Keith caught fire !!! We were like wow we never see such things before but instead of being KPO we continue some even we to take photos...haiz

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

31 October 2006 Tuesday

Today my mom bought a new that cost $299...well its not expensive but given our current situation...worst case she still se her credit card...i was like a suppressed torch ignited with a spark.

What the hell when in our current situation and still send such money. Everyday i see my father sitting at the pathetic cushions on the floor using my spoilt cpu as his table... the sourness in my heart could not be expressed in words. My dad is already so poor right now... i really duno what to say.

Went down to buy beer and cigerettes... actually i smoke only 2 sticks today hoping to cut down ... think its quite hard with all things going in my mind.

Although i was fuming inside still i kept my cool... my mom even asked me if i wanted to sponsor her for the tv as her birthday is coming. I wanted to told her off... but come to think of it no matter what she is still my mom... i told her i will passs her the money next month cause i now got no money.

After she is still my mom, raise me up so many years, my dad asked money from me ...i gave my dad the priority cause he never asked money from me since the dayi start to work. Iam sure he is very down now... haiz i really dunno what to do.

Should i go and fight for the future or save money for the family just in case my dad lost his job and i will be the sole breadwhinner. My brother is still schooling i just want him to concertrate on his studies.

Whats worst is my mom and dad can argue on how to set the fuking new tv... the new tv is in my mom's room. My dad still uses the small tv in the living room.

Maybe 3 more years i did be out of job and my dad will be retired and my younger brother will be in the army. By that time i think the whole family really have to eat grass already... i really cant visualise what the future has for me... i really cant...