Tuesday, October 31, 2006

30 October 2006 Monday

Today is another boring day at work helping running errands here and there...boring. Journey to work so far yet so long....

At night Kady suddenly pop out uder my block, we went to Punggol plaza for tea. He brought along his wife and daughter.

After they had taken their dinner we bid goodbye...lolx yah short tea break and dinner for them.

We could see in each others eyes the fighting spirit is diminishing in us ,pale faces of unrest start to show. Well i think life is really beginning to be cycle already where we just work for food and wait for the next day to come ...zombies to our flats cars and every liabilities....

Sunday, October 29, 2006

29 October 2006 Sunday

Today plan to stay at home then my bro sms me asking if i want to watch D.O.A... Dead or Alive...without thinking i said ok. He came to punggol to meet me then we went to tampiness to meet his gf.

We had dinner at tampiness too which was a very full one.The show was okay the effects were good the babes of excellent...ahahahah

After the show , his gf went home herself. Nowadays seldoms gals complain about going home themselves. She know i was in a hurry to meet Jiawei so she suggested going home on her own.

My bro and i took 969 till khatib and i took a mrt to admiralty to meet up with jiawei then we both went to Chua Chu Kang in mrt to meet Glauze, my ex storeman (colleague)

We had a idea on sandals.... hee hee next time tell u all ( secret )

After having a tea session we went to jiawei's home and jiawei took me home in his van. Thank you very much.

My dad ask for me 200 bucks... i think he is really poor now i am glad that i am earning and can help him abit. But this is not enough ....

Saturday, October 28, 2006

28 October 2006 Saturday

Meet up with grace, jon and jasmin. We wet to sentosa for sushi and swimming, before that me and grace grabbed a mac nuggets meal to subside our hunger for a while.

The sushi set was great however when we finish the box was too big for the rubbish bin so i left on the ashtray...

Went swimming for a while and we wanted to find a place to wash the doggies...but the place originally for washing is under renovation...so we went to a place where it says no pets allowed...who cares no place already...nike logo...just do it

After getting the doggies washed up its our turn...we walked to almost the end of the beach toilets to get ourselves clean up.

** My mom called me at this moment...i was talking to her snooking her, she ask where am i and with who. I told her at sentosa with my friends...now grace said something with his saturday girlfriend... my mom panicked ... now you are with which girl i heard a girl say saturday girlfriend... i was like ya right... never the less i keep on snooking my mom hahahah....yah i everyday change girlfriend now with the saturday one cause today saturday mah...my mom gave up lolx....

After wash up we went house hopping then for dinner...we hop to jon's home, jon get changed, hop to my home and i get changed and lastly to my sat gf's home and she get changed... dun blur she is grace ... lolx

After 3 consecutive house hop we finally reach our dinner meet up point...Newton circle or circus whatever you called it. We meet up with my bro and his gf. Had a hearty dinner for most i suppose. Then grace was meeting someone to pick up something so she left us first. I called Eileen if she want to come out, she said that she was tired so without futher a do... okies rest well another day then. Another thing Eileen is just a friend of mine and she had someone in mind k...thank you.

Oh ya who has really sitted at a car boot from one place to another.... i dare to say i tried before lolx Kia car total of 8 passengers... i was sitting at the car boot ... yeah me atcar boot !!!lolx

Then we we planning to go to other places to chill out but we just cant figure out where...in the end we went to Esplanade and later to Villa Bali damn never bring camera so many things i wanted to capture...

We ordered Jack Daniels, stock ran out...the sales of Jack Daniel so good? Ordered Jim Bean black ... ran out of stock again ....damned no one is going to stop me from drinking....and finally Jim Bean white....

Well for tonight we did not finish even half a bottle, controlled my thirst for liquor... i am thinking i should set my off days to fri and sat. sunday stay at home be good boy packmy room wash my clothes and do some self study. I dunno if i have the dicipline but i will still try

And as for sat i hope to set it for a healthy saturday whereby maybe go sentosa, swimming tennis whatever in the morning and afternoon. And as for the night , hee hee new plans - Roam around Singapore trying good and cheap food one place per week. Sounds good? I certainly think so. After dinner maybe grab a coffee or movies but less chill out maybe once a month for chilling out.

As for Friday well that depends who booked me :D ... chill out , disco, coffee break , movies anything ... you name it ... i am with it hee hee.

Oh ya i forget something ... i plan to quit smoking by end of this year and become a total social drinker....Talk to my bro today i will try my best not to let everyone of you who loves me dearly down.
27 October 2006 Friday

Today went to meet up with my ex 2IC's , its really a small world that they actually knew each other for a long time...lolx.

Went to drink...had 2 martel...yucks!!~~ . Warm martell which jiaxiong had always hated...lolx.

Well i will bear in mind not to be drunk anymore. Nearing end of the session, i put the coaster on top of my glass although i do not have any kick yet but i wan to stop myself from having too much intake.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

26 October 2006 Thursday

Today woke up feeling sick and aching all over ... still i went to school. Half wayi skip school to meet Eileen at bugis for lunch. Then i went home to get some sleep

For those of you who read my blog and are concern about me... no worries i wont feel offendedwhen people ask how am i ... i only feel deeply apprreciative for your care and concern. No worries i wont get myself drunk again k... i pormised myself, my mom, Jon and Jasmin

Anyway today is just like any other normal day for me, waas thinking what to do about my future had some plans be it good or bad think i am going out for it cause i cant always thinkand sit there to wait for things to happen.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

25 October 2006 Wednesday

Happy Birthday Catherine, my primary school friend. :D

Today i went to Singapore Poly for course,my company sent me there for some enrichment courses it will last for 2 days. Today is quite alright but the lessons are long and fell asleep a few times however i learn quite alot today too.

Went to meet Kew a tampiness, talk about life and work everyone is stress about work and life but life still goes on...

Read Eileen's blog today, i think i have made her in a difficult position. I think i should keep a distance from her. Hope its the best way for her to make her feel better.
24 October 2006 Tuesday

Today drunk again but i did not realise it ... Rick sent me home. My younger brother woke me up ... my mom was crying again. Ok no more drunk session but now i will stay to control my amount i take no more like last time drank till i drunk.

Today did not went out till 6pm... Jiawei jio fisherman village. He asked me to book 2 tables. So i asked Eileen to help me book 2 tables... my usual favourite place.

We had dinner over there and had some drinks we went home around 9pm causetomorrow got school.I am going Singapore poly lolx.

Did not feel quite well today maybe its because of yesterday drunk. Hiaz...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

23 October 2006 Monday

Today on off not working...lolx. Jiawei slept over at my place...we woke up at around 12pm. Changed to shirt and pants we had our lunch at Sengkang then went to his home.

He too changed to shirt and pants and we went to orchard to meet up his propect.After that we went for dinner at swensen with his gf and his gf's fren. Jenny or janet :P

After that they went home, i went to parklane tcc to wait for her to finish her show with a guy.During the waiting time Rick called me up and said he wanted to join me.

After a while Rick came and we waited for Eileen. When Eileen came ... i was like wow...her dressing makes her look like a mature young lady :P

We went to Ah guan brother birthday at Safra near boat quay... my brother came with his gf (my sis). After a while they left. I sent them down. When i was leaving them... i saw this lorry nearly knock sean down ... burning with anger i showed the driver middle finger. I asked my bro to go home first sent them to taxi. That moment my heart dropped. Fuck the bloody driver

Went back to Safra,we continued drinking, Eileen i think take a bit too much and she vomitted. So I drink the rest for her, Ah guan's brother ordered a barrel basically the whole barrel was drank my me.

Eileen told me she was cols i got her some cushion, warmed her hand for her.Hugged her to keep her warm...and i was lost drunk thats the last thing i rememebered. I wstold i feel asleep and Rick sent me home... walking a few circles below my block ...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

22 Oct 2006 Sunday

Today wake up , went out with Dalphin go Vivocity see see look look. After that we went orchard met up with my mom for coffee session.

After the coffee session my mom went to look for her friends and we continue to shop for a while. After that i sent Dalphin home.

Boring i called up jiawei and Eileen for to go drinking. We went to fisherman village again to finish my unfinished Jack Daniels. After drinking we went to sing KTV at orchard cinieleisure till 6am. Drank quite a few different types of beer butno more drunk sessions.

Went home at 6 plus and Eileen needs to go to school...:P think i made her not enough sleep. Sent her home and Jiawei went to my place to sleep.

A fulfilling day i think...totally used my time for rappor with friends...lolx

Saturday, October 21, 2006

21 Oct 2006 Saturday

Went to meetup Jon and Jasmin cos they book me last week... spend the whole day with them ...lolx oh ya we went swimming in the afternoon at some condo think its Jon's cousin place i suppose.

During lunch , we went to cut our hair at tiong bahru with grace too... my hair style was like f***in punkster now hee hee

After that we were planing to go ktv. we had our dinner at maxwell market... lolx lots of memories there. At ktv we jio junliang his gf, guan and jiayan.

After ktv wentwith guan jiayan jun liang and his gf to meet guans friends drank some beer there then i went home.

Reach home drunk, my mom saw it. I told her about work related stuff and she went to her room and cried. I really fucking dulan with myself ...for letting her worry. 27 years old still let mom worry , what the fuck!!! must control my drinking already..cannot drink like whati do in taiwan.
20 October 2006 Friday

Went fisherman village with Sean and Wilson. Actually there are more people going but end up only 3 of us but i am still happy

Good friends together no need say much its the quality time spent together ...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

19 Oct 2006 Thurday

Today a boring day.... morning gather information and then afternoon went for a talk thats the end...

After work went to meet up my bro, had my dinner at harbour front again...duck rice ..not bad ... my bro again accompanied me to Sengkang AGAIN... every time, want to accompany home also hard but i appreciate his nice gestures.

On the train i was attractd to this gal, i keep peeking at her... dun anyhow think ok...just trying to get more glimsp of her and admire her thats all... she alighted at Kovan...well again i said to my self adies are not meant for so give up.

This leads me think of our poly days when my bro and iagreed that this particular lady was verypretty and we are in the same section of the train, we alighted at the same station as her just wanting to get to know her... i still remember its Toa Payoh...how ever we 2 ku kus follow untill we lost track of her. Thinking about it how silly we are , cant even track a person properly. Thats was around our 2nd year in poly. 2 playful guys indeed really miss those carefree days. Thanks bro for being there for me all these years.
18 Oct 2006 Wednesday

Today is damn tired ... yesterday sleep for 2 hours. Went to the airport in the middleof the night to pick up Yarh and RQ. Wasso happy to see them. However i saw Rick at the airport too lolx.He came back silently without letting anyone of us know...ku ku...

After saying goodbye to RQ and Yarh, we sent Rick to his home to put his things. After that we went to punggol kopitiam for supper. After that we went home, i went to Jiawei's home to sleep cause he was driving . I slept at 4am and woke up at 6am. Jiawei woke me up and cooked a bowl of noodles with luncheon meat... so caring just like a wife ... too bad he not a gal ....wahhahahah

Then i went to work... the whole day just waitng to off work. After work rush home to sleep cannot take it already. On the way home, i saw an old lady. I gave up my seat to her...feels great at heart. After a few stops she alighted returning the seat to me. Then a few stops later i saw a pregnant women...i dunno what to say to myself... i was thinking if i gave up my seat to this lady. People might think i trying to act nice. However before i finish considering giving up my seat someone actually gave his sit to the pregnant lady...smiling at myself i thought well there are still nice people out there if not i would be giving up a seat to 2 person in need in a trip back to home... i dun mind doing that just that it feels funny and how may people think... anyway if no one give up thier sit ... i believe i wouldstill stand up and give up my seat to the pregnantlady regardless what ppl think of me... trying to act nice or whatever

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

17 Oct 2006 Tuesday

Well today wake up same time 5am in the morning , my friends drive me to work. We reach our workplace at 7am. Today a bit special because we are attached out and will be teaching the younger staff new things. We are known as instructors...lolx Sounds good but however instructor are the worst job i supppose, Because what ever you teach them. How many times each person is going through , instructors will be going through the same amount of time and multiply by the pax. Haiz...

Well i heard that RQ and Yarh are coming back this coming morning...awaiting Welcome back bros !!! Slowly our family will be back together again...whahahaha. Heard my RQ farewell dinner over 40 pax...legend thats my man and he even cried while leaving...i can feel for him. (Pats heart)*

Monday, October 16, 2006

16 Oct 2006 Monday

Today after work went to one of my secondary school friends son one month birthday...yes my sec shool friends...some of them get married whe i was in taiwan...today the whole day i have been thinking about our past... some i knew for 14 yrs or lesser but overall we are already uncles so many of us are already married.

Scary issnt it, they are doing so well in their job i really wonder where would i be in 4 yrs time andits really scary. Some of them are even applying for new flats near which i am still staying with my parents,come to think of it i feel a sense of loneliness althoughi got a lot friends who support me all these years and brothers but according to my own age all of them are getting married one after another. Next year there will be another 3 getting married.

Time relly flies and i was asking myself what am i doing now? What have i achieved now...basically nothing in particular...it really saddens me when i was with them seeing them growing up with their own family and all sorts of things while i am still so immature in my thinking. Although i might look mature to most but actions speack louder than words... what have i achieved my whole life? soming to this qns i really cant answer myself. I really have set my thoughts right in path again no more playing no more chionging i suppose...

I dunno icant promise what ihavent achieve i think its really time to put off those playful days ...maybe thats why i am still single now...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

15 Oct 2006 Sunday

Today i went to meet up with my primary school mate Catherine. We went to junction 8 to catch a movie after that had dinner at Sake Sushi.

Come to think of it we have know each other since Pri 5 and thats 12 years old and now weare 27 this year...kaoz 15 years friendship !!!!

i really dunno what should i say .... ermm .... glad to see her again. When we in primary 5 we used to sit beside each other and we squabbled almost everyday. We even go to the extend of drawing lines on our desk not to cross each others territory. Come to think of it although stupid but i really miss those youthful and world without worry days. Even our school was being demolished. Our classroom used to be hexagon in shape.

Ever since we seperated class in pri 6, we did not get to see each other till last few yearswe meet once at starbucks for coffee.

Today we went for a show and dinner after all these years ... lolx ... quite a memorable day.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

14 Oct 2006 Saturday

Today went to meet Jon and Jasmine. Actually we were planning to go for KTV however it was fully book maybe next time. Went to Jon's house saw his IMAC ... in love withit maybe next time i will get one. Shared our ktv videos...

We went to vivo city, meet up with my bro and his gf (my sis).We had dinner at harbour front. there are really a lot of people there headaches* After dinner we wanted to find a place to sit down and relax before we go for movies but went around most places close at 11pm. In the end we went to Coffee Bean and met up with Junliang and a lady.

Talk cock sing song till 12pm and we went for a movie named "World Trade Center" its a nice show and the contents causes me to think if one day such things wereto happenedto me what will i do? I haved in the first place, never give up never say die. And if my firends or bro were to have a chance to survive and i am trapped . Please leave and take care of my family. Cause if i were to askthem to stay with me ,we might die together. Although i am afraid of death but i am sure its better to let your loves ones survive and leave in safety.
13 Sep 2006 Friday

Friday the 13th...hmmm hope nothing bad happens. Today went for a 4.8Km run...t think i did not run for about 5 months...after running my legs really felt wobbly.

On the way home after work i fell asleep on the bus ... lucky Ken called me on the phone that woke me up. LOLX ... i still f*** him for waking me up that makes me alight earlier which is i over shot due to over slept. Thanks Ken ... lolx. Ken came all the way to pick me up then we went to Jalan Besar to eat curry rice. Its been years since i been there.

After that Jiawei and his girlfriend came to pick me up and we went to Fisherman Vilage for a drink...actually not a drink but a bottle of Jack Daniels ...lolx. We drank till the place close and we went to the beach sit down and talk. We ended swimming with everything on ... his poor girlfriend pick our stuff for us. That was very nice of her...thank you.

After that we bath in the pub's toilet and we went home in a taxi. The taxi did not mind our wetness hee hee. Before that , finally i concured the highest level of the red rope maze tower. We climbed to the top wanting to take a photo but we did not bring our camera too bad...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

12 Oct 2006 Thurday

Hmmm ... today juat a normal working day for me. I was being arrowed for secondary appointment on the second day of job. Guess what i am not grumbling and i was happy to accept it. Guess i have really grown up ready for more responsiblity other than my primary job. I was thinking how i could make it better and i could have chances of meeting new people. But this job causes me to work overtime every Mon, Wed and Fri which is tomorrow.

On the way home today i saw a pretty lady taking the same LRT with me, WOW her looks and dress sense really bites me. However i saw her hands, guess what ... not that her hand was disfigured or what just that i saw diamond ring and a rolex watch on her...haiz...money still the most important thingy. Guess i have to work harder...
Today my investment SWISSCASH just transfered $1600 into my account ...so happy hee hee.

Went home feeling bored, watched a movie "Leroy and Stitch". Little did i know that it was Stitch movie Part 3. Watching the show reminds me of my first time watching "Lilo and Stitch" .... "My name is Stitch, this is my family" ... how many people do really think of their families these days other than wanting more from each other and grumbling each other. How many people think of how to make thier loves ones lives better? Seeing the deteoriating of selfless people sometimes makes me sick ...

There are some people who still give to people happiness but numbers are degenerating. Ask youngsters these days do they ever think of feeding their parents when their parents are old? Ask couples have you ever thought what you could do to give your spouse a better life? Ask friends have you ever thought of what you could do for your friend today? Most of the people think of only what they want and expect from others... if you expect this from people , are you able to give what people expect of you ? I am not a saint myself i am selfish too but i do not expect things from people i expect what i could give first in order to have the ability to ask from people.

Well think of it face reality ... i am lucky that i have friends who are willing to lend a helping hand and people who treasure my friendship. Guys and gals thanks to you. Thats why at times when i am lonely , thinking of you all looking at the photographs we have taken in the past does brighten up my day. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

11 Oct 2006 Wednesday

Yesterday tried to fall alseep the whole night, but i just cant get to sleep. Maybe its due to body clock turn over. Thinking of what should i do with my life, beginning eith a new chapter...lolx

5am jump out of bed head for a shower, 515am i am at opposite my kopitiam eating breakfast...2 eggs a cup of teh and toast bread...great breakfast. Headed for work, when reach my work place ... waited to be interview had another 2 eggs with a cup of teh again.

Whole morning waiting just to be interviewed, interviewed past my lunch break grabbed a bowl of mee rubus with an egg AGAIN.... Afternoon was like a zombie sitting looking at ppl doing their job. Man hours un-accounted for...:P. 6pm off work, went to meet my brother at Harbour Front Mrt, take my dinner there Lor Mee again ... yes eggs...

Today in total i had 6 eggs for a day i am going to die of high cholestral soon.

Had my dinner at Harbour Front , saw quite a few pretty ladies ... hmmm why arent there any for me....sobz (Cos i have no money and i am not handsome)so gambate for a better life !!!~~

Best present of the day was meeting up with my brother, work was ... errm no words to describe to boringness in me. Although my brother and me were tired after a day work for him and a day of stoning for me, we still talk and public nuisance together just like the good old days. Just that olden das we took bus now we took mrt...hey we upgraded you know !!~~

Very tired now, 845pm i am going to sleep good night everyone wish me luck for tomorrows brand new day... and to you people "SLEEP EARLY!!~~~" muhahahaha

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

10 Oct 2006 Tuesday

12am in the morning went to Airport to send the rest of the guys back to Taiwan, there is a sense of sadness fills in me. Time flies, we came back together and now they are leaving me. How i wish i could stay with them together ... maybe forever... but i know we cant. I really had lots of happy memories together over there. Goodbye my friends i will make sure i work hard over here awaiting for each and everyone of you return, by the time when you all are back i hope we are able to carve something out of our lives.

Please wait for my return,i will try my best to be there at the end of the year...

Tomorrow another new chapter of my life begins... i am going back to work again. New job new hope but same old place that i dislike, but i am learning to get in terms with that...so i think it should not be that bad. Hmm i still figuring how to get there and the fastest route ... i think its cab lolx

Monday, October 09, 2006

9 Oct 2006 Monday

From the day i am back till now actually i still miss Taiwan... hmmm...On the day of touch down , some of my friends went to pick me up. Really thanks them for the thoughtfulness, actually there are others who wanted to pick me up but i did not inform them. I wanted to give everyone a surprise. Hee hee...

During the day of my touch down, we waited for our lugguages for a long time. I arrived at 210am but the waiting of my lugguages makes the time moves past 3am.Sorry forthe delays guys.

After getting my lugguages went for hokkien mee, really its been a long time since i ate it. Then i went home put my lugguages, and went out. My parents called me on the phone, they were surprised that i was home ha ha ha...

These few days went to alot places went for kopi with some of my friends chill out at different pubs disco etc. Singapore really has changed a bit and i am quite lost.

Today the rest are leaving back for Taiwan, going to sent them at the airport this evening. So many things to share but somehow these few days run around too much ...oh ya i even went to vivo city which just newly opened but not all the shops are opened... the area is really big till when my frens asked me where am i i told them i am lost and i really am...lolx

Today i got 2 U tube videos very funny super singaporean...


Song by Hossan Leong at the Paliament if i spelt correctly hee hee

Just now i wwent for dinner then me and Jiawei went to buy cigerettes and the aunty there asked we are 18, we are about almost 18 + 10 and still got ppl asked us such qns really overjoyed lolx

Sunday, October 08, 2006

29 Sep 2006 Friday
Last day in Taiwan ... just started to pack dont feel like leaving this place of fun and so much bonding after a year... words cannot describe my unwillingness to leave this place but thatslife i still got to leave... good bye my friends

I bough a new specs... i think this spec would be the one and only in the world and í think it would be the first of its kind in Singapore...

My new specs

Look at the right hand side carefully ... there is some engraving

Close up of my specs engraving ...COOL

Thursday, October 05, 2006

28 Sep 2006 Thurday

Today is my last night in Taiwan, after dinner i really had alot fun and was already prepared for everything that happened below... thanks for all the fun

Hmmm lucky can still see my 6 packs hahaha ... eh i think alot ppl dun like me...:P

OPP on the bar ... careful watch my balls only got 2 no more no less...

Fish pond ready one two three !!!

Arghhh fish pond got wash a not??

First and last time in fish pond cheers !!!

Cheers Jiaxiong joining in for a taiwan beer bath ...

Lolx cigerette haven smoke finish .....

Kevin kena terrorist attack.... rape nope we dun like guys

Whahahahh hide here hide there still need to go in Micheal Sng ... obsence?

Everyone has thier fair share ....wait wat about Andy still dry leh !?

Andy and all ready to go !!!

Altogether now !!! Thats a fish pond not a swimming pool...haiz

Wonder where are all the fishes ....

Micheal, Andy , Chen Hao Nam, Roy, Kevin and Jiaxiong

Peek a boo ... who is peeking at us while bathing?

New comer WSO joing the wet party !!

Killing spree ....Owning !!

Another respected comer RQ together wet dreams... opps its wet party !!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

27 Sep 2006 Thursday

Today is my one year anniversary in Taiwan. Time really flies without anyone noticing especailly when you have stated to enjoy it. Looking back at this year i really enjoyed alot and the close friends that i have made and shit we gone through together.

The four heavenly kings of Hukou (Roy , Jiaxiong , Andy and Willy) nickname not given by ourselves okay...and not forgetting our rapport king Quek Boon Kwee.

Will miss those days together chiong and get drunk everyday. For those memorable pics of our ERA please refer to


-this will be the place where most of my photo albums will be inside.

Our memories always online and well polished and kept in my mind... thank you to everyone of you.

Today is my End Of Tour Dinner,we had our dinner at新竹- 中心百货. Greatly appreciated for those of you who attended my dinner as for those who are not able to come i know all of you had your difficulty and deeply thankful

Below are the pics that were taken at the dinner place...a place which u can have buffet, cook, smoke and drink in japanese style...hope u all had enjoyed the night that was so precious to me

Although we cant stay together forever , i am sure we are able to keep our littelt Hukou family together alive~~

Will be waiting for you all in Singapore !!~~~Hukou Forever!! 虎口 lolx

Mini Family Pic

4 Heavenly King + RQ although Willy is not around to enjoy with us

We came together, i left alone + tribute to Loh Teck Quan

The main gun and the artillery (only you know why)

Eric Ong's baby special guest to my dinner

Hey hey is Henry drunk?

The young guns of the family

Special task force 3

Its a chair, Its a drunken , no its Henry

Up your hair man

Ma Di !!

Mr Fit who carry me like a signboard or i am too light

Okay he is not drunk just face red after some JD

Crappy Eric Ong

Hey Mr Hokkien Singer

Young chap with a stlye of his own

Mr Soh , Me and Oily

He is one drinker

Never enough of beer, Rapport King and finally our beloved RQ

A man with Mee Pok dreams ... hmmm

Mr Alex Liew... a bit obsence... tall and big in size ( sorry you win )

Uncle Tan ...

Mr Cutie and special ... Teddy Chuacy

Man with attitude - Yiwei

A nice man ...

This guy gave me a lot of hello kitties - thanks dude

Man with his own set of rules and mind - cool

THanks for the food !!!

Man of steel !!

Yandao , fit and perfectionist? its how u see it

Base Sexiest Man

Mr Bombastic Mr Lubba Lubba

Gay confirm not we are stud brothers

Newly Recruited chiongster

Mens Health Star Dark and Fit

My lovely colleague with great mind comes great man

Hey this photo should have only me and Micheal

Me and Look

Greatest Bunk Mate

Backstabbing each other for a year still alive haiz ... failure...this guy is my god daughter's father...oh NO!!!